Holding Page | Domain Parking

If your URL (domain name) has directed you to this page, there may be an outstanding invoice, please otherwise access your host control panel and change the old domain path to your new fowarding address (see below). Perhaps instead contact us on Peterborough (01733) 777878 for more information on local website hosting, name services and fees. The website address entered may be for sale – please enquire.


Set your 'Forwarding / Forwarding type' to: 'Frames' or 'Frame redirect'.

Example path: http://pcwebspace.co.uk/astralworks/ (click and see address bar).

Website Creation, Managed Hosting and Name Services

An established small business PCWebspace, PCWorkspace (t/a Curiocafe) provide entry level website design and development, offering a range of computer support, including website creation, affordable design and name services to small venture, individual or company. We can both create and host a website for your business or personal needs.